Police Scanner Multi-Channel Player

by BEROBO (Police Scanner Radio)



Police Scanner Multi-Channel Player [Special Edition] w/Simultaneous Playback

Police Scanner Multi-Channel Player [Special Edition] w/Simultaneous Playback allows you to monitor up to 5 channels at the same time - great for low activity scan stations.- New Updated Look for 2020.- Optimizations

Read trusted reviews from application customers

I received listen to all local police departments that I wanted to listen to loud and clear this is a great app this app is real easy to use just put your country State county City you have to give the app a second to lock in on the frequency and there you go.

Douglas Goin


Delores Welch

Good way to hear about the weather in your area

Steve McBride

I can't program thecarea I need for the U.S A. area(s) along with there is No Audio

Chall Golson

Great stuff

Kieth Williams

Out of All the Apps I have Tried This One is By Far the Best One. Simple to Use Great Audio.

Brian Freitag

Where is the multi-channel feature???

William Roark

Like this app. Haven't had any problems yet.

Carla & John Pretsch

Clear as could be Love this app

Lori Labelle

As it has to be (scanner)

Nelson De lanoi